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Balanced Article on “Smart Home” in 2020 Gives Nod to Apple for Privacy/Security

Published March 22nd, 2021
Amazon, Apple and Google: Which tech giant won the smart home in 2020?

Interesting article. I think it’s fair for the most part. It dings Apple justifiably for staying behind in the smart assistant race, and it’s true that the HomeKit-compatible devices market is much smaller than that for Google or Amazon. But Note that Apple wins in the privacy and security race and comes in as runner-up for 2020 overall. They also seem to think that the HomePod mini is a game changer in Apple’s favor, and they give Apple positive marks for being ahead of the game in privacy and security not only for their products but also for those that run on HomeKit. That isn’t true for the other platforms and their many, often sub-par third-party products.

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