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Mars Report:

InfoWorld’s Editor Backs Yager’s Estimate of Apple’s Enterprise-worthiness

Published September 25th, 2006
Steve Fox, InfoWorld: Apple avoids the "e" word I have to say this editorial surprised me... Fox's use of the phrase "smug superiority" to describe Apple users is one of the things that presses my buttons about Windows guys. But then he goes on to back up Tom Yager's recent article in MacWorld and InfoWorld addressing the top 10 concerns of enterprises about Apple. Of course, there's a negative "twist" to this, which is probably true---Apple doesn't appear to really want the Enterprise market, at least, not now. In what is undoubtedly a smarter strategy, Apple is trying to get a foothold in small-to-medium-sized businesses now. If that works, I'm pretty certain their ambitions will change. If it doesn't, they haven't risked nearly as much or lost as much face.
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