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SELECT cat_ID FROM wp2_categories WHERE category_nicename = 'other-musings/technology/smart-home'

Musings from Mars » Smart Home
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News in Smart home: No recent news in this category.
For Software Addicts: Yes!MaybeNah!
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Articles In Category

September 15th, 2021

Shortcuts Nirvana, Part 2

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August 30th, 2021

Shortcuts Nirvana: How I Accumulated 800 Shortcuts

Since writing an article on home automations and Shortcuts earlier this year, I have continued to find and make shortcuts and recently passed 800 in my library. I thought this milestone would be a good time to reflect on what I've been doing with these shortcuts and how I managed to gather so many.
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April 2nd, 2021

Building Smart Automations With Apple Home, Siri Shortcuts

Over the past few months, I've had a blast building out my smart home, using Apple's Home app as the foundation. Who knew how much fun it would be making things happen in the house without having to move a finger? I'm still at the beginning stages, but I thought it would be useful to document what I've done and learned so far.

Automating your smart home and life makes use of two apps that come with your iPhone: Home and Shortcuts. (The links to each in the following text take you to Apple's User Guide for for each app, which I would recommend perusing if you get lost.)

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Just Say No To Flash