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A New Image Previewer Debuts as Freeware

Reviewed Sep 03, 2012Home Page

Originally downloaded March 15, 2007. Here's an interesting new piece of software... interesting partly because the developer is billing it as a replacement for Preview. To me, that's a tall order, because Preview is so damn good already. But hey, he's offering it for free, so I'm downloading and trying it!

Version as tested: 2.0.

Update 9/6/12.

There are so many image viewers for the Mac, it's hard to see what this one offers over all the others. Yes, it's free, but its functionality is very limited. Rather than choosing a folder, with or without recursive option, you choose an image in a folder and from there browse the images. I don't quite see the advantage of this, as it requires one more click in the open panel. One nice feature is that you have a handy "delete" button in the toolbar so you can easily remove files as you browse. Like all such apps, you have the option of rotating images and of viewing them full screen. You can view a slideshow, but there are no transition options. All in all, I'm putting this one away with other rejected viewer apps.

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