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CocoaDev’s “How To Program In OS X”: A Great Resource, But A Lousy Pointer

Published September 15th, 2007
CocoaDev: HowToProgramInOSX I can't believe in all the times I've visited CocoaDev, including the hundreds of Google and CocoaDev searches I've done while trying to learn Objective-C and Cocoa, that this fine set of pages passed me by. The wiki page consists of a wonderful collection of articles contributed by readers on all the important subjects beginners need to learn in order to program Cocoa apps. Problem is, as a wiki, the page's title is "HowToProgramInOSX", and that's not a term anybody is ever going to type into a search engine. For that matter, neither are such great offerings on this page as "LogicalOperators," "HowToUseOutlets", "AnatomyOfADotMFile," and so on. I guess this is kind of a drawback to the default wiki "style," which is probably why successful wikis like Wikipedia provide "search-engine friendly" pointers to all of their pages. :-)
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