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Mac Users Are Driving Web 2.0 Adoption

Published May 5th, 2007
AppleInsider | Mac users' Web 2.0 affinity seen driving Apple share gains Here's a study that reinforces my intuitive sense that what we're calling Web 2.0--that evolution of web user interfaces to mimic the rich interactivity of desktop apps--is being adopted much more rapidly by Mac users than by their PC counterparts. Not only that, but it concludes that the other argument I've been making---that the user interfaces one sees in Web 2.0 applications---are derived predominantly from the Mac OS X Aqua interface, largely because there is a much higher percentage of Mac developers of such sites than Windows ones. This also reinforces a larger feeling many Mac users have that this community is more enthusiastic about computing generally and has much higher expectations for the way it works and the things you can do with it.
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