Trampoline: the quickest route to the tools you need
Originally downloaded February 25, 2007. This is pretty interesting! A unique software package I had recommended last year called
Bullseye is back... with not only a new version, but a new name as well! Old Jewel Software decided this update was so significant they're launching Trampoline almost like a new product. The website has a host of video screencasts showing Trampoline in action, and much more besides. Since I liked Bullseye before, it stands to reason I'll like Trampoline, too. At $20, it's not cheap, but former Bullseye license-holders need not worry... this is a free upgrade for you. (I must say, I liked the Bullseye icon better than Trampoline's, but I'll try not to think about it...)
Version as tested: 2.0.